Tools Needed:
-Strobe Cream (Normal to Dry Skin)
-Strobe Liquid (Normal to Oily Skin)
-Fix +
-Mineralized Skinfinish Natural
-Prep & Prime Skin
-Mineralized Foundation SPF
-187 Brush
Step 1. Mist your entire face with Fix + Hydrating spray to ensure even hydration throughout your face. This can be used at any time throughout your makeup routine.
Step 2. Using your 187 Brush, apply either Strobe Liquid or Strobe Cream (Depending on your skin type). This can be applied all over the face, or in the areas that you want the most glow. (This is a moisturizer- no other moisturizer is necessary for this look.)
Step 3. Continuing to use your 187 Brush, apply Prep & Prime Skin evenly throughout your face and let it completely dry. Once this is dry, you're ready for your foundation!
Step 4. Using your shade of Mineralized Foundation SPF, evenly distribute the product throughout the entire face, building to reach the amount of coverage that is trying to be achieved. This is also applied with the 187 brush.
Step 5. Once complete, apply the Mineralized Skinfinish Natural in all the hot spots. (Places you don't want to glow.)
Step 6. Fix +!
-Choose precise placement if trying to achieve a specific glow in specific areas.
- Strobe Liquid is safe to use over your foundation, because it water-based!
- Put your Fix+ in the fridge for a cooling experience.
- Use your 187 Brush for the entire look!
- Powder is not necessary all over the face. Just hit the hot spots!
The Skinny:
When perfecting the skin, less is more! Prepping is everything. The preparation allows you to use less product, which in turn, prevents your face from looking like makeup, and looking more like skin. Remember!!... Just because you're oily, doesn't mean your hydrated! Always use a moisturizer. Not all products necessarily need to be put all over the face. Place things where you need them most. This look is hott backstage and is almost always in trend season after season. Strobe cream is a backstage favorite for the beauty it creates with little to no hard work. It's definitely a must have for every makeup artist's kit!
-Jessica Aguilar